Monday 13 January 2025
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How Ellis Band Saws Can Change The Way You Use Wood

How Ellis Band Saws Can Change The Way You Use Wood

Among the woodwork machines you may want to have in your shop is the band saw. While woodworkers who are expanding their machines may not consider having a band saw a priority, it is one machine that can make a great difference in your craftsmanship. It is a machine known for its versatility and ability to creatively allow you expand your range of woodworking. One of the commonest uses of band saws is cutting irregular shapes on wood boards such as curves. You may think that this machine is just intended to cut shapes and curves in three-quarter inch wood material, however, there are other ways to use Ellis band saws:

Ellis band saws


If you have thicker boards that you need to cut into thinner pieces, you can use a band saw. With resawing, it allows you to create sizable boards depending on where you want to use them. It will allow you to economically use the wood because you are not using stock thickness lumber as it is. You can use a band saw to saw a board along the width such as cutting a long roll so that you open it up to create a sub-sandwich.

Resetting edges of a board

Sometimes, you don’t want to use the edge as it is from the mill. Probably, you want to re-cut the edge to make it more aligning and more elegant along its length. If you want the figure of the boards to coordinate, you can use a band saw.

Resetting the face of a board

You may want use this machine if you want to have more control of the figure and grain on a board. This helps maximize these effects within a piece of wood. By using a band saw, you can elevate the quality of work to move it beyond the ordinary. This way, you are enhancing your workmanship and building yourself a name. If you are handling your own product, you will adore the outcome of the pieces.

A band saw may be considered a game changer when it comes to woodwork. When it is used skillfully, it has the potential to expand the creativity of a woodworker. This is a machine you would want to purchase in your first set of machines or in your upgrades. It is one machine that can broaden your design skill and advance your woodworking practice.

When purchasing a band saw, you want to go with one that aligns with your budget and can meet your woodwork needs. The cutting height, the motor, and the material of the frame are among the things to look at. Make sure you get a band saw from trusted brand names like the Ellis. The quality of the material should be firm enough to allow you perform the different wood sawing tasks.

Make sure you take good care of the Ellis band saws to prevent damage. For example, blades should be handled properly when cutting through the wood you want to work on. Straining the blade by pushing a thicker wood than recommended may jeopardize the ability of the machine to continue working properly.