Saturday 15 February 2025
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How You Can Properly Maintain Your Commercial Boiler to Extend and Prolong its Lifespan

How You Can Properly Maintain Your Commercial Boiler to Extend and Prolong its Lifespan

Businesses make use of a wide variety of appliances to help their business operate and function correctly, and one of the most critical components you may be utilising for your business is your boiler. Boilers are an investment, as any business owner will confirm, and you want your investment to maintain optimum performance and last for a long time. But boilers are one of the most neglected components in any business operations, and not many business owners are aware of how to properly maintain this component so it can last and be in top shape. If you would like to make sure that your boiler investment is fully optimised, here’s how you can properly maintain your commercial boiler to extend and prolong its lifespan.

Keep detailed records

Before you even begin making sure your boiler is maintained correctly, you should make it a point to keep detailed records of whatever checks and maintenance tasks you perform. Keep a record of the condition of your boiler and the work you have done on it, especially if there are any repairs. With the proper records, you can more easily determine problems or issues if and when they arise, and the diagnostic work performed by the gas engineer will be made easier as well.

Check the connections

At the very start, you should make sure that all the connections for your boiler are secure, and this includes checking the wiring if there is any overheating. Check if any wiring has melted or overheated, as this could be a sign of a serious issue such as chambers which are too hot.

If you would like to perform a more thorough check of the burner, especially with a modulating and condensing boiler, take out the burner; this will help you see the coils within the burner and inspect the chamber.

Inspecting the passages

You should also inspect the flue passages; a proper inspection will let you know if the boiler can burn correctly. If the flue passage has a build up of soot, this may not be a good sign, as it can indicate that the system has insufficient ventilation or air. If the vent pipe has too much moisture, this could also be a sign that the system isn’t running hot enough.

You can also check if the vent pipe has any powdery or white-coloured residue, as this residue can be left behind due to the condensation in the vent.

There are other things you can do to make a thorough inspection of your commercial boiler. But if you want to be sure that your boiler is working to its best potential and avoid the risk of accidents or emergencies caused by leaks and faulty connections, it’s best to schedule a maintenance check for your commercial boiler every year or even twice a year. This can conveniently be done by a professional, qualified gas engineer from a commercial boiler service. A commercial boiler service in London such as that provided by Milgas can help you make sure that your commercial boiler is properly maintained – and with this service, you have complete and utter peace of mind as well.