Saturday 15 February 2025
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Python And Data Analytics

Python And Data Analytics


Data analytics with Python is the latest trend. It is often said that those team players with this implementation and explorative expertise are sure to be in demand. Data continues to be generated daily, and because of its predictive relevance and interpretation, it forms the basis of competitive edge in the industry. With AI, ML, analytics and AR and VR technologies catching the imagination of Agile enterprises, the demand for professionals in data analysis are growing exponentially.

Further team collaboration practices in Scrum and Lean mean communicative teams at all levels. The remuneration is high and based on skills brought to the table. It makes perfect sense then to upskill and re-engineer your resume with this course. This trend grows with more data being produced. There is no end to the demand.

What is in it for me?

Your passion for learning a new programming language counts. Attend this workshop, upgrade your resume and land a job with huge payouts based on your learning and newly acquired programming skills.

With this course, you will be an expert in managing, leveraging, mining, extracting and interpreting data using the Python language.

About the Data Science with Python Course:

∙•••••••• The Data Science with Python Training can be opted for in the weekday or weekend batch.

∙•••••••• The specially designed and downloadable courseware accentuates not just theoretical knowledge. Rather the systematic use of interactive online classes, lab sessions and supervised assignments, workshops and live test cases give you practice.

∙•••••••• Zeolearn conducts classroom training on weekends, integrates it with online virtual training at your pace for learning and even conducts corporate training.

∙•••••••• The course helps you inculcate learning through 40 hours of instructor-delivered high-quality online training from industry experts the advanced techniques of using Python for data analysis.

∙•••••••• With effective mentoring by industry experts, you earn the course completion certification. This coveted certification is valued and well-recognised in the industry and is a validation of your learning and newly enhanced skill-set.

∙•••••••• Post-course long-term support, good refund policy and the fact that demo codes, soft-copy of the slide deck, live exercises, interactive test cases and lifetime access to online libraries are freely available makes the course unique.

∙•••••••• You will also build a Python program with full support and mentoring. Industry experts and certified instructors review this project, which can also be a live-industry-project. You will be awarded certification on successful course completion.

Data Science with Python Training– Course Contents:

Data Science with Python Course includes the following topics.

  • Fundamentals of Python programming
  • Using NumPy with Python, connect Python to SQL, data frames to solve complex tasks, pandas to handle Excel Files, web scraping with Python, and more.
  • Use plotly for interactive visualisations with matplotlib, seaborn for data visualisations
  • SciKit Learn  for machine learning with K Nearest Neighbors, Decision Trees, Linear Regression, Random Forests, K Means Clustering and processing of Natural Language
  • Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, and tools like  Tensorflow, Spark, Jupyter.

Get ahead of the crowd and stand out in data analytics with Python.
